Avalanche 价格
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Avalanche 市场信息
市值是通过流通总应量与最新价格相乘进行计算。市值 = 当前流通量 × 最新价
24 小时最高
24 小时最低
-87.30% (-$128.36)
+579.27% (+$15.9300)
AVAX 计算器

Avalanche 价格表现 (美元)
Avalanche 当前价格为 $18.6800。Avalanche 的价格在过去 24 小时内下跌了 -3.04%。目前,Avalanche 市值排名为第 0 名,实时市值为 $77.57亿,流通供应量为 414,458,701 AVAX,最大供应量为 720,000,000 AVAX。我们会实时更新 Avalanche/USD 的价格。
7 天
30 天
3 个月
关于 Avalanche (AVAX)
此评级是欧易从不同来源收集的汇总评级,仅供一般参考。欧易不保证评级的质量或准确性。欧易无意提供 (i) 投资建议或推荐;(ii) 购买、出售或持有数字资产的要约或招揽;(iii) 财务、会计、法律或税务建议。包括稳定币和 NFT 的数字资产容易受到市场波动的影响,风险较高,波动较大,可能会贬值甚至变得一文不值。数字资产的价格和性能不受保证,且可能会发生变化,恕不另行通知。您的数字资产不受潜在损失保险的保障。 历史回报并不代表未来回报。欧易不保证任何回报、本金或利息的偿还。欧易不提供投资或资产建议。您应该根据自身的财务状况仔细考虑交易或持有数字资产是否适合您。具体情况请咨询您的专业法务、税务或投资人士。
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Avalanche 常见问题
什么是 AVAX?
AVAX是Avalanche 区块链网络的原生代币。Avalanche网络是一个全新的区块链第1层网络(layer 1),支持去中心化应用程序和智能合约的创建。
有多少枚 AVAX 代币?
我如何投资 AVAX?
购买AVAX代币并从持币中获得被动收入的最简单方法是通过 欧易赚币,欧易赚币提供各种低风险储蓄和股权认购计划,有定期和活期可供选择。
Avalanche 今天值多少钱?
目前,一个 Avalanche 价值是 $18.6800。如果您想要了解 Avalanche 价格走势与行情洞察,那么这里就是您的最佳选择。在欧易探索最新的 Avalanche 图表,进行专业交易。
数字货币,例如 Avalanche 是在称为区块链的公共分类账上运行的数字资产。了解有关欧易上提供的数字货币和代币及其不同属性的更多信息,其中包括实时价格和实时图表。
由于 2008 年金融危机,人们对去中心化金融的兴趣激增。比特币作为去中心化网络上的安全数字资产提供了一种新颖的解决方案。从那时起,许多其他代币 (例如 Avalanche) 也诞生了。
Avalanche 的价格今天会涨吗?
查看 Avalanche 价格预测页面,预测未来价格,帮助您设定价格目标。
ESG 披露
ESG (环境、社会和治理) 法规针对数字资产,旨在应对其环境影响 (如高能耗挖矿)、提升透明度,并确保合规的治理实践。使数字代币行业与更广泛的可持续发展和社会目标保持一致。这些法规鼓励遵循相关标准,以降低风险并提高数字资产的可信度。
OKcoin Europe LTD
Avalanche AVAX
The Avalanche blockchain network employs a unique Proof-of-Stake consensus mechanism called Avalanche Consensus, which involves three interconnected protocols: Snowball, Snowflake, and Avalanche. Avalanche Consensus Process 1. Snowball Protocol: o Random Sampling: Each validator randomly samples a small, constant-sized subset of other validators. Repeated Polling: Validators repeatedly poll the sampled validators to determine the preferred transaction. Confidence Counters: Validators maintain confidence counters for each transaction, incrementing them each time a sampled validator supports their preferred transaction. Decision Threshold: Once the confidence counter exceeds a pre-defined threshold, the transaction is considered accepted. 2. Snowflake Protocol: Binary Decision: Enhances the Snowball protocol by incorporating a binary decision process. Validators decide between two conflicting transactions. Binary Confidence: Confidence counters are used to track the preferred binary decision. Finality: When a binary decision reaches a certain confidence level, it becomes final. 3. Avalanche Protocol: DAG Structure: Uses a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) structure to organize transactions, allowing for parallel processing and higher throughput. Transaction Ordering: Transactions are added to the DAG based on their dependencies, ensuring a consistent order. Consensus on DAG: While most Proof-of-Stake Protocols use a Byzantine Fault Tolerant (BFT) consensus, Avalanche uses the Avalanche Consensus, Validators reach consensus on the structure and contents of the DAG through repeated Snowball and Snowflake.
Avalanche uses a consensus mechanism known as Avalanche Consensus, which relies on a combination of validators, staking, and a novel approach to consensus to ensure the network's security and integrity. Validators: Staking: Validators on the Avalanche network are required to stake AVAX tokens. The amount staked influences their probability of being selected to propose or validate new blocks. Rewards: Validators earn rewards for their participation in the consensus process. These rewards are proportional to the amount of AVAX staked and their uptime and performance in validating transactions. Delegation: Validators can also accept delegations from other token holders. Delegators share in the rewards based on the amount they delegate, which incentivizes smaller holders to participate indirectly in securing the network. 2. Economic Incentives: Block Rewards: Validators receive block rewards for proposing and validating blocks. These rewards are distributed from the network’s inflationary issuance of AVAX tokens. Transaction Fees: Validators also earn a portion of the transaction fees paid by users. This includes fees for simple transactions, smart contract interactions, and the creation of new assets on the network. 3. Penalties: Slashing: Unlike some other PoS systems, Avalanche does not employ slashing (i.e., the confiscation of staked tokens) as a penalty for misbehavior. Instead, the network relies on the financial disincentive of lost future rewards for validators who are not consistently online or act maliciously. o Uptime Requirements: Validators must maintain a high level of uptime and correctly validate transactions to continue earning rewards. Poor performance or malicious actions result in missed rewards, providing a strong economic incentive to act honestly. Fees on the Avalanche Blockchain 1. Transaction Fees: Dynamic Fees: Transaction fees on Avalanche are dynamic, varying based on network demand and the complexity of the transactions. This ensures that fees remain fair and proportional to the network's usage. Fee Burning: A portion of the transaction fees is burned, permanently removing them from circulation. This deflationary mechanism helps to balance the inflation from block rewards and incentivizes token holders by potentially increasing the value of AVAX over time. 2. Smart Contract Fees: Execution Costs: Fees for deploying and interacting with smart contracts are determined by the computational resources required. These fees ensure that the network remains efficient and that resources are used responsibly. 3. Asset Creation Fees: New Asset Creation: There are fees associated with creating new assets (tokens) on the Avalanche network. These fees help to prevent spam and ensure that only serious projects use the network's resources.
844800.82200 (kWh/a)
16.356040004 (%)
0.00018 (kWh)
To determine the proportion of renewable energy usage, the locations of the nodes are to be determined using public information sites, open-source crawlers and crawlers developed in-house. If no information is available on the geographic distribution of the nodes, reference networks are used which are comparable in terms of their incentivization structure and consensus mechanism. This geo-information is merged with public information from the European Environment Agency (EEA) and thus determined.
The energy consumption of this asset is aggregated across multiple components:
For the calculation of energy consumptions, the so called “bottom-up” approach is being used. The nodes are considered to be the central factor for the energy consumption of the network. These assumptions are made on the basis of empirical findings through the use of public information sites, open-source crawlers and crawlers developed in-house. The main determinants for estimating the hardware used within the network are the requirements for operating the client software. The energy consumption of the hardware devices was measured in certified test laboratories. When calculating the energy consumption, we used - if available - the Functionally Fungible Group Digital Token Identifier (FFG DTI) to determine all implementations of the asset of question in scope and we update the mappings regulary, based on data of the Digital Token Identifier Foundation.
To determine the energy consumption of a token, the energy consumption of the network(s) avalanche is calculated first. Based on the crypto asset's gas consumption per network, the share of the total consumption of the respective network that is assigned to this asset is defined. When calculating the energy consumption, we used - if available - the Functionally Fungible Group Digital Token Identifier (FFG DTI) to determine all implementations of the asset of question in scope and we update the mappings regulary, based on data of the Digital Token Identifier Foundation.
DLT 温室气体排放范围一:可控排放
0.00000 (tCO2e/a)
DLT 温室气体排放范围二:外购排放
317.19382 (tCO2e/a)
0.00012 (kgCO2e)
To determine the GHG Emissions, the locations of the nodes are to be determined using public information sites, open-source crawlers and crawlers developed in-house. If no information is available on the geographic distribution of the nodes, reference networks are used which are comparable in terms of their incentivization structure and consensus mechanism. This geo-information is merged with public information from the European Environment Agency (EEA) and thus determined.
本页面的社交内容 (包括由 LunarCrush 提供支持的推文和社交统计数据) 均来自第三方,并按“原样”提供,仅供参考。本文内容不代表对任何数字货币或投资的认可或推荐,也未获得欧易授权或撰写,也不代表我们的观点。我们不保证所显示的用户生成内容的准确性或可靠性。本文不应被解释为财务或投资建议。在做出投资决策之前,评估您的投资经验、财务状况、投资目标和风险承受能力并咨询独立财务顾问至关重要。过去的表现并不代表未来的结果。您的投资价值可能会波动,您可能无法收回您投资的金额。您对自己的投资选择自行承担全部责任,我们对因使用本信息而造成的任何损失或损害不承担任何责任。提供外部网站链接是为了用户方便,并不意味着对其内容的认可或控制。请参阅我们的 使用条款 和 风险警告,了解更多详情。
AVAX 计算器
