OKX acquires MiFID II license in Europe

Written by Erald Ghoos, Europe CEO, OKX

There's more great news to share about our Europe growth story — we've acquired a Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID II) license which, upon regulatory approval, will enable us to launch derivative products and services for institutional clients across the region.

The license was announced during a VIP event held at Manoel Island, Malta on 12 March.

We're quickly establishing OKX as the platform of choice for traders of all experience levels and styles while constantly refining our user experience and product offering with uncompromising security and transparency. Through it all, our MiFID II license and the MiCA license spotlight our commitment to meeting the rigorous compliance standards demanded in Europe and to meeting the needs of the trading community.

The event follows our 27 January announcement when OKX became the first global crypto exchange to receive a full MiCA license. MiCA allows us to offer fully localised products and services to 28 European Economic Area (EEA) markets through passporting.

Through our secure and effortlessly simple platform, our Europe offering includes OTC trading, spot trading, and bot and copy trading for 240+ cryptocurrency tokens across 300+ trading pairs and 60+ Euro-based trading pairs. With derivatives joining that list, institutional customers gain access to sophisticated and fully compliant trading products in their local market.

Meanwhile, our class-leading website and app are available in local languages, feature local currency displays, and offer local-language customer support across Europe. What's more, our customers in the region can deposit and withdraw euros at no cost through a simple bank transfer, and also buy crypto using cards and other trusted local payment methods.

There's more to come

It deserves repeating: we're committed to responsible expansion with regulatory compliance at the forefront. What does this look like exactly? Our customers can look forward to more seamless KYC processes, additional payment rails, and new localized products, services, and platform features. Details on all this will be announced as soon as they're ready, so do keep an eye on our channels so you never miss an update.

Building our EEA community

Another priority as we scale in Europe is to grow our community as a powerful value add. We believe our customers can gain so much more from the OKX experience when they're surrounded by and can participate in a thriving, collaborative community. To achieve this, we're putting plans in place for local events, engagement with key opinion leaders, and brand initiatives involving well-known local creators and brands.

Again, full details will be available when ready, but to sum up: we're hard at work building, refining, and innovating to offer a fully regulated platform that supports the emergence of a new digital economy in Europe and beyond.

And, we're just getting started. OKX's ambitions are as vast as the opportunities ahead of us in Europe. We'll continue to make strides forward to meet the future needs of European customers in a fully compliant manner, providing continuity and stability as crypto markets mature.

We'd be thrilled for you to join us on the journey.


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