We've Launched a $10 Million Telegram Growth Hub in Partnership with The Open Platform and Folius Ventures

Supporting projects that drive user onboarding, trading innovations and new mini-app experiences within the TON ecosystem.

Our investment arm OKX Ventures, The Open Platform (TOP) and Folius Ventures today announced the launch of a $10 million Telegram Growth Hub. Designed to boost innovation in TON blockchain and expand Telegram's mini-app ecosystem, the Telegram Growth Hub will fund and support projects that enhance user engagement on TON.

Telegram Growth Hub will focus on three key areas:

  • User onboarding and educational tools: Projects that simplify onboarding through intuitive UI/UX and educational tools, making TON accessible for new users

  • Trading capabilities and networks: Initiatives that develop on-chain trading features, such as DEX and NFT trading, liquid staking and other advanced trading functionalities

  • Mini-app ecosystem expansion: Innovative mini-apps for Telegram, including gaming and entertainment applications that expand TON’s use cases

Selected projects will benefit from comprehensive support, including:

  • Capital for talent acquisition and community building

  • Access to our suite of developer resources, such as OKX Connect, a powerful new solution designed to streamline wallet integration for developers building on TON

  • Access to TOP's tool-box of developer resources and infrastructure, including Tonkeeper, TON Apps API, Playdeck, Ton App Chain, Ston.fi and Getgems NFT Platform to build, scale and engage users on TON

  • Mentorship, guidance and networking from experts, marketing support and introductions to key stakeholders in the OKX, TOP and Folius Ventures networks

Telegram Growth Hub will select up to 10 promising projects for a two-month acceleration program. Selected teams will be eligible for funding from the $10 million fund. Applications are open until November 29, 2024. To apply, please visit: https://tally.so/r/mJk9R7.

Telegram Growth Hub represents a significant step towards fostering innovation in the rapidly growing Telegram ecosystem. With Telegram's user base expanding by approximately 2.5 million new users daily, the fund aims to capitalize on this growth and drive the development of next-generation products for mass adoption.

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