Ordinals dead? Far from it.

Bitcoin has reached a historic milestone, crossing the $108,000 mark. This isn’t just a price point; it’s a cultural and financial shift. For creators and communities, this moment is about more than charts and liquidity; it’s about reclaiming a place on the world’s first blockchain to tell stories, share art, and inscribe using Ordinals.

Since the beginning of Ordinals in 2023 we've seen innovative collections like Pizza Ninjas, Ordinal mimi, Bitblocks and more, the rise of Ordinals offers art and culture to live directly on the og blockchain. For creators, this is your time to shine. The world is watching Bitcoin. The community is alive with ideas. And the tools to make your mark have never been more accessible. The OKX Ordinals Launchpad is here to support you to be part of this movement while keeping decentralization and your community at the heart of the process

ordinals launchpad blog image

The OKX Ordinals Launchpad is built for you—artists, innovators, and community builders

Why now is the moment for inscriboors

Some claim ordinals are dead. They're "NMGI" (not gonna make it). But the numbers tell a different story.

  1. Bitcoin Crosses $100K Bitcoin’s historic price milestone has brought mainstream attention, so it's the best time to get fresh eyes on your art

  2. Excitement at All Time High With unprecedented capital inflows, collectors and traders are actively seeking innovative opportunities. With art that's directly inscribed onchain that has an overall marketcap at $660,784,243 (source: Coingecko)

  3. A movement on Bitcoin Creators are already inscribing unique pieces of their legacy on the bitcoin, blending culturally important moments, art and stories that drive a new narrative and life to activity onchain. Since the creation of Ordinals Bitcoin has seen 72,552,175 inscriptions, 6,940 BTC in fees

    ordinals chart
    rise of inscriptions

Supporting creators and communities

OKX addresses the challenges of high costs, fragmented tools, and limited reach, making it easier than ever to build

  1. SelfScribe: Full Ownership Inscribe directly to retain complete ownership of your collection—no middlemen involved.

  2. Zero Upfront Costs Focus on your vision while OKX eliminates financial barriers by passing inscription fees to minters.

  3. Industry-Low Launchpad Fees At just 2.5%, OKX offers some of the lowest fees, maximizing creator revenue.

  4. Global Marketing Reach Leverage OKX’s worldwide channels to amplify your project and connect with millions of Bitcoin enthusiasts.

  5. Frictionless Trading for Collectors Enjoy seamless trading with 0% platform fees and an intuitive user experience.

  6. Hands-On Community Support Build a thriving community with OKX’s expert support, from hosting AMAs to incentivizing participation.

Why this matters

For creators, the OKX Ordinals Launchpad is your gateway to inscribing Ordinals. Take advantage of the surging market demand to deliver impactful projects. Whether you've been an artist on Ethereum, Solana or anything else don't let the technical challenges of inscriptions hold you back. OKX bridges the gap, providing creators with tools, visibility, and global reach while ensuring a seamless experience for collectors.

Join the movement

This is your moment to shape the future of Bitcoin together with the most supportive community. The OKX Ordinals Launchpad provides everything creators, communities, and traders need to succeed—powerful tools, global reach, and seamless trading.

If you are a creator looking to launch a new collection you can apply here Start your journey with OKX Launchpad today. What story will you inscribe ?

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