Our DEX API Now Powers Phantom Wallet's Solana Swaps

  • Our DEX API is an all-in-one trading aggregator for multi-chain and cross-chain transactions

  • Our smart routing technology executes trades across multiple DEXs simultaneously for optimal pricing and zero fees

We're pleased to announce that Phantom Wallet has integrated our DEX API to enable in-wallet token swaps. The integration brings enhanced trading capabilities to Phantom's users through optimized liquidity and trading routes.

Built on our battle-tested infrastructure, our DEX API serves as an all-in-one trading aggregator across 20 networks, including EVM chains, Solana and TRON.

The solution aggregates 18 cross-chain bridges and over 400 DEXs with API response times under 100 milliseconds, enabling Phantom, Solana's leading crypto wallet serving millions of users, to deliver optimal pricing and enhanced trading capabilities to their users. Through our DEX's smart routing technology, Phantom users now benefit from:

  • Maximum liquidity through aggregated pools

  • Reduced slippage and gas costs

  • Average response time of 40 milliseconds

The integration showcases how platforms can leverage our DEX API to rapidly scale their projects and capabilities. By using one single API, projects can launch sophisticated DEX features in just weeks through simplified cross-platform integration options via SDK, API and widget. Phantom's quick adoption and surge in trading volume demonstrate both the solution's enterprise-grade reliability and its ability to deliver enhanced trading experiences through deeper liquidity pools and optimized pricing.

Launched on September 30, OKX OS, which includes our DEX API, enables developers to build and scale onchain applications efficiently. With hundreds of projects already leveraging our OKX OS and processing more than 400 million daily API calls, the toolkit is powering innovation across the onchain ecosystem. Projects are using its tools to scale their offerings effectively.

Developers can start using our OKX OS for free today. For more information about our OKX OS and to start building, developers can visit: https://www.okx.com/web3/build

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