Onchain Weekly #5: Bridge across 20+ chains using Wallet


Onchain Weekly #5, Cross-chain swaps

Discover the latest product updates, stories, and innovations from the OKX Wallet team.

This week, 3 things you didn't know about swapping across chains, or "bridging" on OKX Wallet.

1. Bridge and Swap in a single transaction.

No lag time. No malicious domains. No escrows.

Bridge and swap in a single transaction, without leaving your Wallet. Simply go to Trade and then select Bridge. The experience is almost identical to a regular swap, and without the usual discomforts of lag-time, malicious domains or "escrow" -type experiences.

What this means for you

  • Bridge and swap in a single transaction

  • Swap across chains without leaving your OKX Wallet

  • Avoid common security risks such as malicious domains when using 3rd party bridges

Bridge and swap across any of 20+ chains in a single transaction

2. Swap across 20+ chains. Zero fees.

ETH to Solana. Bitcoin to ETH. ETH to Base ETH, and many more.

If you're trading tokens on Solana, ETH, Bitcoin or Base, you can easily move your liquidity between networks with peace of mind. OKX Wallet supports cross-chain swaps for 20+ chains meaning that we have the majority of your most typical bridging routes covered.

And once again a reminder, that OKX charges zero fees for cross-chain swaps.

What this means for you

  • One access point for cross-chain swaps across almost any chain

  • Hold your assets from any chain in one wallet

  • Reduce the risk of sending funds incorrectly, or inputting the wrong address


3. Optimized routing for price, speed, slippage and value

Overall Best, Fastest or Max Amount - You choose.

Our goal is to offer the largest variety of quotes for cross-chain swaps on the market, so that we can get you the fastest and best-value swap. We connect to over 20 networks and 400 decentralized exchanges to do this, as well as using some of the most trusted and secure bridges such as cBridge, MultiBridge and SWIFT to find the best deal for you. When you set up a cross-chain swap, you'll be able to choose between:

"Overall best" meaning, the optimal route based on amount, network fees, slippage and cross-chain bridge costs.

"Fastest" meaning, the quickest route.

"Max amount" meaning, you'll get the most tokens.

Until next time, The OKX Wallet Team

Onchain, any chain.

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