Our investment arm OKX Ventures today announced a research and education collaboration with Stanford's Future of Digital Currency Initiative (FDCI), aiming to promote blockchain innovation and sustainability.
As part of the Stanford School of Engineering’s Department of Computer Science, FDCI is an industrial affiliates program led by a team of experts in computer science, economics, law and business, with the objective of driving innovation, collaboration and the future of digital currencies through education, research, and industry engagement.
Through this collaboration, we aim to advance the frontiers of knowledge, tackle industry challenges, and unlock new opportunities for innovation through a series of initiatives in research, knowledge-sharing, technical collaboration, and community activities engaging students, institutions, regulators and more. Our Partner of OKX Ventures, Jeff Ren, will also join the FDCI's Advisory Board to provide support with his veteran industry expertise.
To advance digital currency technologies and shape a more sustainable, inclusive, and resilient digital economy, we will also work with our partners to expand participation from wider academia, industry, and other communities to create a more positive impact on the digital currency ecosystem.
We have recently launched an educational campaign across the United States to foster the next generation of tech innovators. Teaming up with ecosystem collaborators to bring blockchain technology into classrooms, this initiative focuses on fostering a sustainable and inclusive future by empowering students with the knowledge and skills necessary to thrive in an increasingly digitized world.
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