OKX Announces its Top Sponsorship of Leading Web3 Event Outer Edge LA

OKX CMO Haider Rafique will take the stage with NBA All-Star Baron Davis to discuss Web3

OKX, the second largest crypto exchange by trading volume and a leading Web3 technology company, is proud to announce that it is a top sponsor of Outer Edge LA, an industry-leading Web3 conference that will bring together creators, developers, gamers, and more from March 20 to 23, 2023 in Los Angeles.

Outer Edge LA will cater to a global audience with experience levels ranging from novice to expert through programming focused on educating, inspiring, and driving collaboration among attendees. Content will include keynotes and panels, metaverse experiences, musical performances, and more.

At the event, OKX CMO Haider Rafique will be joined by former professional basketball player and two-time NBA All-Star Baron Davis in a keynote on the main stage. Davis, who is one of the most prolific investors and entrepreneurs among retired athletes, and Rafique, who has led marketing for the world’s biggest tech brands, will together address the factors driving adoption of Web3.

Haider Rafique, Chief Marketing Officer, OKX, said, “OKX is thrilled to be a top sponsor of Outer Edge LA, one of the Web3 industry’s biggest events. We are committed to helping more people—especially creators, artists, and developers—harness the power of internet decentralization, and we look forward to engaging with community members on the ground in Los Angeles.”

Sponsorship of Outer Edge LA is OKX’s latest effort in educating more people on the benefits of Web3 and helping them embrace technologies such as NFTs, GameFi, DeFi, and more. OKXs Web3 products include the OKX Wallet, an NFT marketplace, a dApp store, and more.

To find out more on Outer Edge LA, check out Outeredge.live.

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