OKX Argentina Offers Football Fans a Chance to See a Champions League Game Live in England

Buenos Aires, March 15, 2024 -- Here at OKX, we're thrilled to announce an exciting new contest for our users in Argentina. As a leading global Web3 technology company and crypto exchange, we want to give four lucky winners the trip of a lifetime - a chance to see a Champions League quarter-final match live at a premier stadium in Europe. This is an incredible opportunity for passionate football fans to experience the magic of the beautiful game on the sport's biggest stage.

We recognize the immense popularity and cultural significance of football in Argentina. Through this amazing giveaway, we aim to provide our Argentinian users with an unforgettable experience and the chance to fulfill a lifelong dream of watching a Champions League match in person.

Our OKX Argentina Champions League Contest is open to all Argentina residents aged 18 and older. To enter, all you need to do is sign up for an OKX account and validate your account (KYC) between March 15-31, 2024. It's that simple!

Once you're signed up, you can also gain extra entries by:

  • Following @OKX_Argentina on Instagram

  • Making a trade of $50+ USD in P2P. For every qualifying trade, you get an extra chance

  • Making a trade of $50+ USD in Spot. Again, each qualifying trade earns you an additional entry

  • Creating a Web3 wallet linked to your OKX account

We'll be selecting four lucky winners by random draw and announcing them on our OKX Argentina social media channels in early April. Each winner and a guest will receive entrance to a premium box suite to watch the match, round-trip flights from Buenos Aires to Europe, hotel accommodations, transportation and travel insurance. The Champions League quarter-final home leg will take place on April 16/17.

At OKX, our high-profile brand partnerships in Football, Formula 1 and film festivals underscore our leading global presence and commitment to delivering extraordinary experiences to our user community.

As Alejandro Estrin, our OKX Argentina Country Manager said: "As one of the world's largest and most trusted crypto platforms, serving over 50 million users worldwide, we're thrilled to give back to our passionate community in Argentina with this exclusive Champions League contest. We strive to provide resources, education and cutting-edge tools to help people take control of their financial futures and achieve their dreams. Sending dedicated fans to watch a Champions League match live in Europe is just one way we aim to make those dreams a reality."

For full promotion terms and conditions, visit: https://www.okx.com/campaigns/viaja-a-ver-el-mejor-futbol-del-mundo

We can't wait to provide this once-in-a-lifetime experience to our incredible Argentinian community. Get in the game and sign up today for your chance to win!

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