OKX and Circle Jointly Announce Leading-Edge USDC Experience on OKX Wallet and OKX DEX Aggregator

  • Launching today and continuing until October 5, OKX and Circle's joint 'USDC Zero Network Fee Campaign' enables OKX Wallet’s Smart Account users to enjoy zero network fee transactions

  • The OKX DEX aggregator becomes one of the first decentralized exchanges to enable USDC cross-chain swaps across Ethereum, Avalanche, Arbitrum and OP Mainnet, with support for more blockchains expected soon

San Francisco, September 7, 2023 -- OKX, a global leading Web3 technology company, and Circle Internet Financial (Circle), a global fintech firm and issuer of USDC, today jointly announced cutting-edge USDC features on the OKX Wallet and OKX DEX aggregator, marking a new milestone in the Web3 landscape. OKX and Circle are enabling gas-free USDC transactions without network fees and integrating the OKX DEX aggregator with Circle’s Cross-Chain Transfer Protocol (CCTP).

The 'USDC Zero Network Fee Campaign' enables OKX Wallet's Smart Account users to conduct USDC transactions without network fees from September 7 to October 5, 2023, with further details available here. OKX Wallet's Smart Account feature, powered by account abstraction technology and launched on August 2, 2023, enables seamless transactions across multiple blockchains using stablecoins like USDC.

The integration of the OKX DEX aggregator with Circle's CCTP, a permissionless on-chain utility that enables USDC to move natively between blockchains, provides a more streamlined experience for users trading USDC pairs. The integration also marks a significant step towards cross-chain USDC utility across Ethereum, Avalanche, Arbitrum and the OP Mainnet ecosystems. As new CCTP routes become available, the OKX DEX aggregator is expected to support additional blockchains for USDC cross-chain functionality.

OKX Chief Innovation Officer Jason Lau said: “OKX is committed to improving usability and accessibility for users in the Web3 space, and now users have an even better experience as they interact and transact using USDC. In addition, users can conduct gas-free transactions without network fees using OKX Wallet’s recently launched Smart Account and seamlessly exchange USDC across various networks via the built-in swap feature.”

Circle Chief Strategy Officer and Head of Global Policy Dante Disparte said: “Circle is delighted to improve access to DeFi with CCTP and innovative gas abstraction features built on USDC in order to streamline user experiences, pioneer transformative change in finance and drive greater adoption of blockchain-powered technology.”

DISCLAIMER This announcement is provided for informational purposes only. It is not intended to provide any investment, tax, or legal advice, nor should it be considered an offer to purchase, sell, or hold digital assets. Digital assets, including stablecoins, involve a high degree of risk, can fluctuate greatly, and can even become worthless. You should carefully consider whether trading or holding digital assets is suitable for you in light of your financial condition. Please consult your legal/tax/investment professional for questions about your specific circumstances.

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