We're the First Global Exchange to Receive MiCA Pre-Authorization

We announced today that OKX is the first Virtual Financial Assets (VFA) exchange to secure a Markets in Crypto-Assets Regulation (MiCA) pre-authorization. Upon receipt of a full MiCA license, we will offer localized crypto services to over 400 million Europeans through its European Economic Area (EEA) hub based in Malta.

Under the license, customers in the region will have access to our regulated crypto exchange products, including OTC trading, spot trading, and bot trading, for 240+ cryptocurrency tokens across 260+ trading pairs, and 60+ Euro-based trading pairs. Our website and mobile app will feature customization on local languages, local currency displays, and local-language customer support across the region.

This milestone reinforces our commitment to delivering secure, transparent, and innovative solutions, ensuring customers benefit from a trusted and compliant platform in Europe's rapidly evolving crypto landscape.

We intend to obtain the full MiCA license and passport it from our Malta hub to all 30 EEA member states. Passporting is a feature of the MiCA law that allows businesses, registered and licensed in one EU country, to offer their services in another EU country under a unified regulatory framework. This expansion simplifies trading and investing in digital assets for Europeans across the EEA region.

With a suite of cutting-edge products—including a user-friendly Simple Exchange, powerful Advanced Exchange for traders, and a comprehensive Wallet for crypto enthusiasts—we are poised to redefine the crypto experience for all levels of customers across the EEA. As the second-largest exchange globally by trading volume, we offer unmatched reliability with industry-leading technology boasting 99.99% uptime, Proof of Reserves for transparency, and 240+ highly liquid tokens and trading pairs.

Our customers in the region can deposit and withdraw euros for free through bank transfers, and easily buy crypto using cards and other trusted local payment methods.

We chose Malta as its MiCA hub because of the country's comprehensive regulatory approach and high standards for blockchain and cryptocurrency, as well as its strong technology infrastructure. We currently hold a Class 4 VASP license from the MFSA.

With over 60 million customers worldwide, we stand as a leader in advanced and reliable cryptocurrency services, offering both centralized (CEX) and decentralized (DEX) exchange platforms. Obtaining MiCA pre-authorization marks a significant milestone in our mission to expand our footprint across Europe while ensuring secure access to top-tier crypto services and innovations.

Learn more at okx.com

About OKX

OKX is a technology company with a mission to organize the world's blockchains and make them more accessible and useful. We want to create a future that makes our world more efficient, transparent and connected.

OKX began as a crypto exchange giving millions of people access to trading and over time became among the largest platforms in the world. In recent years, we have developed one of the most connected onchain wallets used by millions to access decentralized applications (dApps).

OKX is a brand trusted by hundreds of large institutions seeking access to crypto markets on a reliable platform that seamlessly connects with global banking and payments.

Our most well-known products include: The OKX Exchange, OKX Wallet, OKX Marketplace, OKX Explorer, OKX Chain and OS for developers, OKX Ventures and OKX Institutional Services.

To learn more about OKX, download our app or visit: okx.com


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Tento obsah slouží pouze k informativním účelům a může se zabývat produkty, které nejsou ve vaší oblasti k dispozici. Není zamýšlen jako (i) investiční poradenství nebo investiční doporučení, (ii) nabídka nebo žádost o nákup, prodej nebo držení kryptoměn / digitálních aktiv ani (iii) finanční, účetní, právní nebo daňové poradenství. Držené kryptoměny / digitální aktiva, včetně stablecoinů a tokenů NFT, se pojí s vysokou mírou rizika a jejich hodnota může značně kolísat. Měli byste pečlivě zvážit, zde je pro vás obchodování s kryptoměnami / digitálními aktivy nebo jejich držení vhodné z hlediska vaší finanční situace. Svou konkrétní situaci prosím konzultujte se svým právním/daňovým/investičním expertem. Informace (včetně tržních dat a statistických informací, pokud jsou k dispozici), které se zobrazují v tomto příspěvku, jsou jen pro obecné účely. Ačkoli jsme tato data a grafy připravili s veškerou přiměřenou péčí, nepřijímáme žádnou odpovědnost ani závazky v souvislosti s případnými faktickými chybami nebo opomenutími v nich. Služby OKX Web3 Peněženka a Tržiště OKX NFT se řídí samostatnými podmínkami poskytování služeb na webu www.okx.com.
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